Should the Tories win, David Cameron has promised a referendum on the European Union in 2017.
The millions of Brits living away from the UK but still able to vote could prove pivotal in swinging how the election goes in May – with Spain’s sizeable expat British population intent on having their say…
Brits who have lived in Spain for less than 15 years are eligible to vote in the forthcoming general election, provided they are registered. And with more than one million potential voters scattered across the European Union alone, the leading parties are beginning to make their play of wooing these voters – many of whom may still be undecided which way to vote.
The issue of expat votes is a thorny one, with those residing overseas quibbling why their window for having a say extends to only 15 years. Naysayers living in the UK, on the other hand, argue that expats are lucky to have any say at all, given that they are currently residing away from the country in which they wish to have a say.
The leading parties have been careful so far not to pander too much to the expat vote for fear of alienating those at home, but as the leadership race enters it final straight – and with the outcome of who will win far from certain – experts believe that most leading parties will soon begin trying to woo the expat vote.
A recent article by British newspaper the Independent attempted to uncover the often contradictory world of the politically engaged UK expat in Spain, finding that while many remain relatively uninformed, a large portion feel drawn to the conservative politics of the Tories and UKIP – even though both of these parties are staunchly anti-EU and, should either gain more power, would likely look to limit the free and easy movement of people between EU countries, which is something that UK expats in Spain currently benefit from.
Others feel that a vote for Labour, while likely a solid pro-EU option that will maintain the status quo of free movement, may prove harmful for the UK’s demographic makeup in the future, perhaps at a time when current expats may be beginning to think about returning home.
Expats that do have an interest in the forthcoming election are encouraged to ensure that they are registered to vote now that they reside overseas. The procedure to register is quite straightforward, and can be conducted easily online.
However, it may now be too late to submit a postal vote in time to count, so those expats who have still to register may have to appoint a trusted friend or family member to vote on their behalf in what is known as a vote by proxy.
It is important for all British expats to have their say, so if you haven’t registered to vote yet, we strongly recommend you get moving.
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