Spain has risen from fourth to third place in the latest expat quality of life survey, and it is easy to see why.
Spain has been ranked the third best place in the world to be an expat in the latest InterNations survey.
The poll, conducted every year, asked 12,500 expats to rate 43 different aspects of life abroad on a scale of one to seven…
InterNations, which is the world’s leading expat network, then used this data to calculate an average score for every country. Last week it published its top 17 ranking, which was topped by Portugal – which gained 13 places and scored highly in climate and leisure – with Taiwan in second place.
Spain’s third place ranking was an improvement on last year’s fourth place, with expats full of praise for Spain’s excellent climate, superb cultural attractions, wonderful leisure options and ability to support high levels of personal happiness.
The top five was rounded out by Singapore in fourth place and the Czech Republic in fifth place. Other notable rankings include Germany in tenth place, Canada in 13th and New Zealand in 15th.
Spain regularly ranks near the top of the charts in surveys such as this, scoring consistently highly on health, leisure and happiness metrics.
For a while, however, the country scored poorly on economic and employment factors, but as Spain’s economy has improved, concerns about jobs and pay are not so strong as they once were.
Needless to say, the climate, beaches, cuisine, landscape, safety, security and accessibility of Spain – a cocktail that makes the country the world’s most popular tourist destination – are the bedrock upon which many successful and happy expat adventures are built.
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