OK, so for ‘cats’ read British expats and if you really want to split hairs, well 75.9% is admittedly a whisker or two less than the actual figure. But before you think I’ve lost the plot, I’ll explain…
A recent survey for Telegraph Expat shows that when 1,000 British citizens were asked to rate their overseas homes in the top 10 most popular expat destinations, on factors ranging from quality of life to the cost of living, no fewer than 75.9 per cent – the highest score – said they were happier in Spain than in Britain…
Interestingly, however, the research – carried out by Lloyds TSB International – also demonstrates that the countries where British expats enjoyed the highest quality of life or best financial prospects weren’t necessarily the places where they were happiest. New Zealand, for example, came out as offering the highest quality of life, although it was ranked bottom for contentment, while the UAE – where most expats said they were better off financially – was only in fourth position on the happiness index.
It goes without saying that to those of us already living on the Costa del Sol these findings come as no surprise.
With 300+ sunshine days annually, the Costa del Sol has one of the best climates on earth. Let’s face it, that’s the main reason most Northern Europeans choose to buy a home here in the first place. Then there’s the healthy outdoor lifestyle and laid-back attitude, the child-friendly restaurants, neighbours that look out for each other and are never in too much of a hurry to stop for a friendly chat, the respect and affection shown to the older and more vulnerable members of society… yep, family values are still very much alive and kicking in Andalucía and oh how it shows!
Of course, don’t get me wrong, nowhere is perfect. But even on those days when you do get out of bed on the wrong side, well, the cloudless blue skies, sparkling azure sea and breathtaking countryside will soon have you feeling as right as rain.
Incidentally, the survey also shows that in spite of Spain’s ongoing economic struggles, 71.3% of expats still believe they’re financially better off here than if they were in Britain.
Exactamente, and you’d better believe it!
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