The BBC are recruiting British expats for a new documentary about life on the Costa del Sol
Calling all Fuengi ex-pats!
Mentorn Media, the producer of Question Time and many award-winning documentaries, is making a new programme for BBC1 looking at the British expat community in Fuengirola.
They want to hear firsthand what it’s like for us Brits living here on the Costa del Sol. So if, like many of us, you too have taken the plunge into a new life in the beautiful Spanish Mediterranean sun, whether you are a British expat enjoying your dream retirement or perhaps a young professional working here on the Coast, this is your chance to have your say whilst taking part in an exciting new documentary…How do you enjoy being part of the vibrant ex-pat community in Spain? Have you found it difficult surviving financially away from home? How have you managed to make ends meet living abroad? Have you found the Spanish language a tricky barrier to cross or perhaps it’s all the legal stuff that had you confused?…

The Costa del Sol is one of the most popular areas in Spain for British expats
It’s also a great chance to share any advice you may have for people looking to make the move abroad about something you may have initially struggled with after your move to the Coast.
These are all things, and more, they want to know, so whatever your story, age, or situation, why not contact them today… it’s a fantastic opportunity and they would love to hear from you!
Please contact Stefanie Jones directly at [email protected] if you are interested in sharing your views about your life on the wonderful Costa!
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