The jobless queues are much shorter now in Spain as the economy enjoys some of the best growth in the EU.
A total of 182,600 new jobs were made in Spain in the third quarter of the year between July 1 and September 30, reducing the percentage of people out of work by 4.66%, and bringing the country’s total jobless figure down to 3.73 million – the lowest it has been since 2008…
The third quarter is always the strongest month for job creation in Spain as it covers the busy summer period when a lot of seasonal workers are taken on. However, the trend when viewed over a longer time period is incredibly encouraging: the third quarter has boosted Spain’s employment figures for five years straight, and this year’s performance follows a strong second quarter that saw the number of jobless in Spain fall below four million for the first time since 2009.
This data is based on the government’s Active Population Survey (EPA), which registers not only those unemployed people who have reported to their local employment office, but also the jobless that for whatever reason haven’t registered. As a result, the EPA figures are higher than other data.
Nevertheless, this data still shows that Spain’s unemployment rate is now 16.38%, which is around 2.53% lower than last year, and a continuation of the positive trend of job security, growth and financial stability increasing among businesses and households.
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