Tony Park of Titan Services, a locksmith you can rely on!
Tony Park is what you might call… a bit of a face on the Costa del Sol.
A resident here since he was ten, Tony has run one of the Coast’s most established businesses for many years and continues to do so. He is also one of the Costa del Sol’s best advocates.
So what made this successful entrepreneur with a sound business decide to take the plunge and launch a new venture, diversifying into a whole new profession?
Read on to find out…
Can you give us a quick résumé of your life and career here on the Costa del Sol?
I moved to Spain with my family when I was ten, went to school and grew up in a Spanish environment. But when I was 16, I decided I wanted to check out life back in the UK and so I returned there to do my college studies. From there I decided to join the British Army, in which I spent eight full-on but happy years.I travelled all over the world, including doing duty in Bosnia.
In the meantime my father had started a shop-fitting business here and was keen for me to come back and help him run it. We set up Eye Catchers in Fuengirola and the business just grew, expanding into exhibition displays and digital printing. The business is now known as EyePrintand we have two offices, one in Cabopinoand the other in Nueva Andalucía.
Tell us about your new venture
A while back I was chatting to a friend from the army. We’ve been great friends for over 12 years and he was considering moving to Spain.He’s a City & Guilds trained locksmith and after doing some careful research here, he believed there was a market for an English-speaking, professional, certified and qualified locksmith – especially now that property sales are on the increase again and most new residents opt to change the locks when they move into a new home. So with my local knowledge and his expertise, we set up Titan Services.
It’s hard work; if you get a call out at 3am, you have to get up, get with it and service the call. Some of my funniest experiences have been middle of the night call-outs, which tend to be from customers who’ve maybe had one too many, but I won’t divulge any more than that!
How have the Costa del Sol and Marbellachanged over the last 10 years?
Well you can’t buy a decent plate of steak and chips for 600 pesetas (€4) anymore!
In general I would say life here has become more serious, more realistic; it’s not as hedonistic as it used to be. We graft hard to make a living and stay successful, whereas ten years ago you didn’t have to try too hard to make money. It’s a good change though; the Costa del Sol has stopped being a destination for those who just want to earn a quick buck.
What are your favourite aspects of life on the Costa del Sol?
I love the countryside, the mountains and the immense natural outdoor playground that’s here for everyone to enjoy. If you head inland, not too far away you can encounter towns that still exude the Spain of old, that have retained their authenticity. And if you take the time to learn Spanish then you can enjoy it all the more.
Do you put a lot of importance on learning Spanish as a resident?
Absolutely. I learnt Spanish as a child, so of course it’s easy for me to say so. But if you are in business I can honestly say it opens up more doors for you. You have a better relationship with your suppliers, which leads to better rates and service, which you can ultimately pass on to your own customers. Everybody wins and of course you also enjoy your Spanish life more.
What’s your favourite restaurant on the Costa del Sol?
Definitely Restaurante Triana on the beach in Las Chapas. The food is great, but the best thing is the relaxing environment and beautiful beach and sea views. I love watching the sunset from their elevated terrace. It’s a pure wind down moment after work.
What motivates you?
My mortgage! A beer on a Friday night! OK seriously, although my mortgage is serious!
It has always been important for me to build a stable infrastructure and substance into my business, that was my goal and what has motivated me for many years. I really believe I have successfully created a company that has good foundations and will last.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about setting up in business?
Research the market, don’t rely on trends to make money quickly and try to ensure your business is multi-faceted, so if one element doesn’t work out you have others to fall back on.
What does 2013 hold in store for you?
I have a seven-month-old son and I am looking forward to seeing him take his first steps and to enjoying the summer with him and his four-year-old brother. On a company level, we have so much to look forward to as well, and we are starting to see an important increase in business and benefits. So it’s all good.
Tony Park is owner of Titan Services, a VIVA Recommended business. You can contact Tony for more information on 664 445 396 or visit his website >www.englishlocksmiths.com
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