VIVA Vendors Packages are the new way to sell your Costa del Sol home quickly: creating more visibility for your property and with new Virtual Reality functionality.
Anyone who’s ever bought or sold a property will know all too well that the process can be stressful at times. For instance, as a potential buyer, when you reach the point of saturation after having viewed so many properties that you lose the ability to distinguish one property from another… and the other side of the same coin is that vendors find it difficult to make their property stand out from the crowd in such a competitive market. Luckily, these could soon be a thing of the past, thanks to the property revolution spearheaded by Virtual Reality, which VIVA have harnessed as part of our splendid Vendors Packages…
Vendors Packages
If you are selling your Costa del Sol property, maximum exposure – and therefore visibility – across online platforms will doubtless be high on your priority list.
One of the stand-out features of our Vendors Packages, especially as technology is advancing so rapidly, is the integration of Virtual Reality in the promotion of your property. As well as producing Floor Plans, providing you with an Energy Efficiency Certificate and our professional photographer taking high resolution photos of your property, we offer a full 3D scan of your home using cutting-edge technology. This means your property stands out from the rest and interested home buyers can tour your property online from the comfort of their own home.

In this technological age, being able to integrate Virtual Reality into real estate services is of the utmost importance.
What are the advantages of a Virtual Reality scan?
Well, one must not underestimate the fact that we live in an age when potential buyers are increasingly looking for digital solutions. While it is important to note that almost all buyers still use estate agencies to facilitate the property search and subsequent purchase, 44% of home buyers looked for properties online first back in 2016, according to the National Association of Realtors’ “Real Estate in a Digital Age 2017 Report”. Data also shows that this trend is only going one way… up.
The same study shows that 99% of Millennials cited using the internet throughout the property search process, while 58% of all buyers in this group found their home on their mobile device. Although not the exclusive target for today’s vendors, the Millennials are an ever-increasing market and these tendencies should not be ignored.
What other advantages do you get as a vendor?
Not only does your property appear on the VIVA website, which receives over 80,000 visits per month, but having a Vendors Package entitles you to so much more. Your property features in an edition of our Weekly Property Update: our far-reaching newsletter which is sent to all members of our database of over 120,000 individuals.
To sign up to our fabulous Weekly Property Update & Latest News, click here!
It is then promoted over all major social media channels and in the press to an audience of tens of thousands of English-speaking visitors and local residents. What’s more, our listings are present on a plethora of property portals and we are the exclusive VIP Real Estate Agent of the web portal Kyero in the province of Málaga, which means your property appears on all their clients’ property searches, too.
…And with the VIVA Vendor Area in the pipeline, where you’ll be able to check and update your property’s status 24/7, the future of VIVA Vendors Packages is extremely promising!
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